Model Portfolios
NOTICE: I will not be able to update the portfolios this weekend. The computer with the spreadsheet on it is being repaired. I will update the portfolios as soon as I can.
UPDATED MARCH 29, 2005 (Friday, March 25 closing prices)
Here are the final portfolios. Like I said in an earlier post, these are generic "model" portfolios.
I'm also working on a dollar-cost-averaging portfolio since a lot of my readers are in the accumulation phase.
ASSUMPTIONS: $1,000,000 on December 31,2004. I used December 31 because I have been following the portfolios that long. All dividends and income from the portfolio will be deposited into the cash account. Fees (my fee and the brokerage fee) will be deducted on a quarterly basis. The MOST the fee will be is 1.05% or .2625% per quarter. For a portfolio of this size, the total fee should be around .72% or .18% per quarter.
Here are the portfolios:
50+ PORTFOLIO - (For those getting ready for retirement)
UPDATED MARCH 29, 2005 (Friday, March 25 closing prices)
Here are the final portfolios. Like I said in an earlier post, these are generic "model" portfolios.
I'm also working on a dollar-cost-averaging portfolio since a lot of my readers are in the accumulation phase.
ASSUMPTIONS: $1,000,000 on December 31,2004. I used December 31 because I have been following the portfolios that long. All dividends and income from the portfolio will be deposited into the cash account. Fees (my fee and the brokerage fee) will be deducted on a quarterly basis. The MOST the fee will be is 1.05% or .2625% per quarter. For a portfolio of this size, the total fee should be around .72% or .18% per quarter.
Here are the portfolios:
Percent Current YTD
Allocation Value Performance
US Stocks 39.9% $394,519 -1.00%
International 20.1% $198,806 -0.59%
Bonds 39.6% $391,660 -2.08%
Cash 0.4% $3,967 N/A
Totals 100.0% $988,953 -1.10%
50+ PORTFOLIO - (For those getting ready for retirement)
Percent Current YTD
Allocation Value Performance
Large Cap 18.6% $185,509 -7.17%
Mid Cap 22.0% $219,770 10.09%
Small Cap 19.6% $196,082 -1.92%
International 19.9% $198,656 -0.63%
Bonds 19.6% $195,725 -0.63%
Cash 0.2% $2,443 N/A
Totals 100.0% $998,186 -0.18%
Percent Current YTD
Allocation Value Performance
Large Cap 18.6% $185,509 -7.17%
Mid Cap 22.0% $219,770 10.09%
Small Cap 19.6% $196,082 -1.92%
International 39.7% $397,311 -0.63%
Cash 0.1% $1,056 N/A
Totals 100.0% $999,729 -0.03%
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