
A personal finance blog dedicated discussing such topics as budgeting, asset allocation, 401K, IRA, cash flow, insurance, financial planning, portfolio management, and other areas in personal finance.


Thursday, May 12, 2005

A Couple More Blogs to Check Out

The Personal Finance Blog universe is expanding faster than I can keep up with it. I'm sure some of these blogs won't stick around. Blogging is a lot of work and a labor of love.

Anyhow, here are a couple of blogs I'd like to make you aware of:

AlphaGuy, is a blog written by a guy named Alpha, just teasin', actually his name is Jason. Here's how he describes his blog: One guy's life about graduating college, financial advice, and other ramblings. It's a good blog.

Next, is FreeMoneyFinance, written anonymously. I like the blog's design and organization. It is a pretty fresh blog, meaning it hasn't been around long, but it is worth checking out.

Once these blogs have been around a while, I'll add them to my sidebar. Also, for those interested, you can check out my Bloglines account for links to blogs outside the personal finance realm. If you don't have a Bloglines account, set one up. It is easy and an excellent way to keep track of the blogs (and magazines and newspapers) that you like to follow.