
A personal finance blog dedicated discussing such topics as budgeting, asset allocation, 401K, IRA, cash flow, insurance, financial planning, portfolio management, and other areas in personal finance.


Thursday, March 17, 2005

Tipping Guidelines

My friend, Jonathan, over at the MyMoney blog has written a post offering tipping guidelines. I appreciate his efforts. Nothing is worse than to be in a situation and not know what to do. This is especially true if it is a business situation.

There are some pretty good reference books out there that can help you figure out protocol. Here's a few that I like:

The Etiquette Advantage in Business by Peggy Post and Peter Post

Gentlemanners, a set of three books by John Bridges and Bryan Curtis

Essential Manners for Men, by Peter Post - I really like this book.

And for those with kids:

The Gift of Good Manners by Peggy Post and Cindy Post Senning, ED.D.

The Guide to Good Manners for Kids by Peggy Post and Cindy Post Senning, ED.D. - a book written for kids.

These are just a few "manners" books that I have in my library. I especially recommend the two books for kids. I think one of the most important things we can give our kids is a proper respect for manners.