
A personal finance blog dedicated discussing such topics as budgeting, asset allocation, 401K, IRA, cash flow, insurance, financial planning, portfolio management, and other areas in personal finance.


Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Future of AllThingsFinancial

I took the first step towards setting up AllThingsFinancial on its own. I registered (it's not an active address yet) for 5 years. Now I'm looking for a host, which is both confusing and intimidating.

I have heard of Dreamhost and TypePad. Jim at Bargaineering uses Dreamhost and has told me that he is happy with it. My main questions are:

1. How much space is enough? Is 2400 megabytes large enough? What does that mean?

2. What about bandwidth? What does that mean? I have ambitions to make AllThingsFinancial grow but I want to be realistic. I don't want to buy a bunch of extra storage and bandwidth if I won't need it.

3. Anyone using TypePad or Dreamhost?

4. Is MoveableType or WordPress better? Is there another programming language that I'm not thinking of?

What other issues should I think about?